Thursday 30 November 2006

Forever odd- Dean Koontz

I bought this book at the supermarket. so let's just say that my expectations couldn't have been much lower than they were when I started reading this book.
Never the less I just finished reading this and really enjoyed it.
It truly surpased my expectations.
This obviously isn't Hemmingway, so don't go into it expecting an absolute masterpiece. However, it is an entertaining read, filled to the brim with
witty remarks and dead on sarcasm.
It's about a guy (Odd Thomas) who's able to see dead people and
before you start thinking sixth sense, stop right there!
The entire book is written from Odd's perspective and just the way it is told
alone, is enough reason to read the book.
Every page sweeps you along and you're never left in a lull waiting for the next
thing to happen, so there's never enough empty space to get bored.
There isn't too much you could say without completely giving away the plot
, but if you enjoy it when a writer's able to play with his words, then this is for you.

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