Saturday 25 November 2006

do looks really matter?

This is something that's been needling me for some time.
Do looks really matter when you're choosing a boyfriend,
or even just a potential snog?

I'm not talking about the obvious where you've got some guy with a hump
and eyes at different heights and all sorts of funny things like that.
Everybody felt sorry for the hunchback when he didn't get the girl, but
let's be honest. Nobody was expecting him to in the first place.

In a normal everyday situation where there are two guys interested in the same girl
things become far more complicated. Physical attraction is a fine thing,
but when you're looking for a real relationship, you obviously need a bit more.
Or in my case, a lot more. This is a painfully obvious fact that even I have come to
realise and to a certain extend accept.

We all know that 9 times out of 10 the guy who's not quite that hot will be the one that wil
take care of you no matter what. He's the one that wil bring you orange juice when you're
feeling ill and the one most likely to love you even without your make-up. The gorgeous one
won't give you as much attention, or as much respect. He'll forget to call, and expect you to
be grateful when he does.

Why then is it so difficult to remember all of that
when the gorgeous guy is looking into your eyes and your knees are going all wobbly.
There's a big difference between knowledge and actual acceptance, and at this stage I'm
struggling a bit to find the courage to take the leap from one to the other.
It may be that courage isn't what's lacking from the equation. Then what is?

This connection affects not only our relationships, but also various other aspects of our
day to day lives. We know vegetables are good for us and that we need to live a
certain way in order to be healthy. This is not news.
Yet we still wolf down that second helping of pudding, with extra chocolate sauce.

Knowing... And doing... Worlds apart.

This time though, I actually did it.
I picked the nice guy. Who treats me like a princess and truly cares about me.
I still get a bit of the wobbles when the gorgeous one plays his little flirt game,
but I honestly think I've made the right choice.
Let's just hope that this time, I'll stick to it.

1 comment:

Digital Fortress said...

Good luck, sound like you made the rught choice. :)